Friday 8 June 2012

Decorating on a budget


Decorating on a budget

"You can re-decorate your home without spending too much. Often, it is something as simple as changing the cushions in your property. The importance of clutter control cannot be over-emphasised. Ask an old-timer in your family and s/he will love to enlighten you about these rectangular cloth sheets with a cardboard backing, which served to keep correspondence neat while using a fountain pen. So, how does one soften this?" It is very simple. This is going to be a question on everyone's mind. Let's also consider how to soften a sterile bathroom. Most decor specialists advise that the bathroom should not have the "ick" factor. What can you do to brighten your house without exactly breaking the bank?For starters, change doesn't have to be expensive. If you have a green thumb and have several indoor plants, investing in a few coloured pots will go a long way in making them decorative. In case you are heading to your office area, the suggestion is to 'bring back the blotter. ' Blotter, what is a blotter? you may ask. Summer is giving way to the rainy season and you are itching to redecorate. They usually come with pockets along the sides. For example, brightly coloured pots for your indoor plants can make your plants go green with envy. Likewise, fruits can be set to ripen at your dining table in a centre-piece that will be available for just a few rupees but can make your table look really classy. Even having all your bath needs all over the sink is considered "icky. However, the economy being in the state it is, you do not want to stretch your budget too much. The same can be said of pillows. Little objects which create a messy look when lying around can be stored in these trays and arranged strategically to actually look artistic. Chaos can be controlled with the guide of cheap (read inexpensive not tacky or gaudy) divided trays or baskets. Just use classy accessories to store your toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc.

Decorating on a budget

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 08/06/2012


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